What is an Apprenticeship?

The Building Trades have embraced apprenticeship for hundreds of years. There are currently over 10,000 women and men participating in a Building Trades apprenticeship in Minnesota.
Apprenticeship training is a formal system of employee training that combines on-the-job training with related technical instruction. It is designed to produce craftworkers who are fully competent in all aspects of an occupation including knowledge, skill and proficiency on the job. With apprenticeship training, there is a written contract between the apprentice and the employer or apprenticeship program sponsor, which is approved by and registered with the State of Minnesota. This agreement specifies the total length of training, number of school hours (related technical instruction) and an outline of the skills of the trade to be learned and the wages the apprentice will receive.
Building Trades Apprenticeship Information
Click on the links below for more information about apprenticeship programs with our affiliates…
Boilermakers #647 — http://boilermakerslocal647.com/apprentices
Bricklayers #1 — http://www.bactraining.org
Cement Masons #633 — http://www.training633.org
Elevator Constructors #9 — http://local9.com/?zone=/unionactive/view_page.cfm&page=NEIEP
Heat & Frost Insulators #34 — https://www.insulators34.org/apprenticeship
Heat & Frost Insulators #49 — http://www.insulatorslocal49.org
Heat & Frost Insulators #133 — https://insulators133.org
IBEW (Electrical Workers) Minneapolis — https://mplsjatc.org
IBEW (Electrical Workers) St. Paul — https://www.jatc110.org
IBEW (Limited Energy) Statewide – https://www.statewidelea.org
Insulators #34 – https://www.insulators34.org
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades #82 (IUPAT) – http://iupat82.org
Ironworkers #512 — http://ironworkers512.com/apprenticeship-information
Laborers (Liuna) MN & ND — https://www.ltcmn.org
North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters – OJT@uniontraining.org
Operating Engineers #49 — https://www.local49training.org
Painters District Council #82 — http://ftium.edu
Pipefitters #455 St. Paul/Mankato —http://www.local455.com
Pipefitters #539 Minneapolis/St. Cloud — http://www.training539.com
Plumbers #15 Minneapolis/St. Cloud — http://training15.com/apprentice
Plumbers #34 St. Paul/Mankato — http://www.plumberslocal34.org/training/apprentice
Plumbers & Pipefitters #6 Rochester — https://www.ualocal6.org/apprentices
Plumbers & Steamfitters #589 No. MN — https://11589jatc.com/why-join
Roofers #96 — http://www.rooferslocal96.com/apprentice
Sheet Metal #10 — http://smw10.org/Metro_Minnesota
Sprinklerfitters #417 — https://www.local417training.com
Teamsters #346 — http://mnteamsterapprenticeship.com
Apply today!
To learn more about program requirements and how to apply, please join us for one of our Building Strong Communities program virtual information sessions. Please check our “Information Sessions” page for scheduled dates and times.